Heritage Sites to Remain Closed Until Further Notice
17 July 2020
Over the past month, we received several resources about reopening historic places. The Members of the Burk’s Falls and District Historical Society have decided to keep the heritage sites closed for the season and remain closed until they can be safely reopened. Working together has been key to managing the spread of COVID-19 and expanding on that idea, is a way to support the safety and wellbeing of the entire community. Our heritage sites operate with the support of volunteers, many of whom may be more vulnerable to the virus. When we reopen, a measured approach will be implemented for the historic farmhouse and schoolhouse, this could mean limiting access to a floor (which could have only one entry/exit point requiring people to pass by each other) or a space (such as a small room where social distancing cannot be maintained). At this time, no one really knows what is the ‘right’ path forward, and so flexibility and responsiveness will be important to developing, delivering and responding as the reopening protocols are rolled out. We will be sure to keep you updated as a return to normal is no longer the goal, but instead this is the time for new business models and strategies. This can be an opportunity to change what we do and to create something new out of the disruption. As Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”